Monday, November 30, 2015

6 Facts You Need to Know About 2015 Thanksgiving Weekend Retail Sales Performance

1. More Shoppers Than Expected

descarga (4)Substantially more people shopped over the Thanksgiving weekend than was expected in surveys a few weeks ago. The National Retail Federation says that more than 151 million people shopped this weekend, either in a physical store or online -- a big jump from the 136 million who said they planned to shop in a survey a few weeks ago.

2. Black Friday Is Not That Important Anymore

Black Friday sales were off more than $1 billion – from $11.6 billion a year ago to $10.4 billion, according to retailing research firm ShopperTrak. U.S. shoppers no longer blow the bulk of their holiday budgets on the day after Thanksgiving known as Black Friday. It’s a major shift that has made it difficult for stores to track and learn from shoppers' spending habits during the traditional start to the busy holiday shopping season.

3. E-Commerce Jumps

ComScore reports that e-commerce sales jumped 9% on Thanksgiving Day to reach $1.1. billion and 10% on Black Friday to $1.7 billion

4....and Off-line Tanks

descarga (2)Spending in stores fell 10 percent from last year on both Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Thanksgiving sales in stores fell from slightly more than $2 billion last year to $1.8 billion. Black Friday sales were off more than $1 billion – from $11.6 billion a year ago to $10.4 billion, according to research firm Shopper Trak. The NRF says 102 million people shopped in stores over the weekend, while 103 million shopped online.

5. Spending Per Person Decreases

It also estimated that spending per person was US $299.60. That's below the nearly US $381 figure last year, but the group also said this year's spending number is not comparable to those in previous years (NRF Data).
Thanksgiving weekend is now more like the second quarter, going into halftime” of a football game because retailers are offering special prices several weeks earlier.

6. Beware of Incomplete Picture

The data, without year-over-year comparisons, paints an incomplete picture of the behavior and spending of U.S. shoppers over the weekend. But overall, the NRF sticks by its pre-Black Friday prediction that sales in November and December will rise 3.7 percent to $630.5 billion. That's below last year's 4.1 percent growth. Thanksgiving weekend is now more like the second quarter, going into halftime” of a football game because retailers are offering special prices several weeks earlier, said Matthew Shay, CEO of the National Retail Federation. That’s why the industry’s largest trade group forecasts November and December together, and is sticking with an earlier projection of a 3.7 percent sales increase from a year ago to $630.5 billion, he said. That compares with a 4.1 percent increase during holiday 2014.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Acciones contra declaraciones engañosas a los consumidores

Comisión Federal de Comercio: protegiendo a los consumidores

La FTC entabla una acción para impedir que un comercializador efectúe declaraciones engañosas sobre un tratamiento para la adicción y abstinencia de consumo de sustancias opiáceas

La acción se anunció como parte de una campaña conjunta de la agencia contra los suplementos dietéticos

La Comisión Federal de Comercio (FTC, por sus siglas en inglés), presentó una demanda ante una corte federal para impedir que un comercializador de un suplemento dietético efectúe declaraciones engañosas acerca de la efectividad de su producto para ayudar a tratar e incluso a curar a los adictos a las sustancias opiáceas, entre las que se incluyen los medicamentos analgésicos con receta y drogas ilegales como la heroína.

Hoy, la FTC también anunció dos acuerdos resolutorios parciales contra comercializadores acusados de efectuar declaraciones infundadas sobre productos para perder peso. Los casos forman parte de una campaña de cumplimiento de la ley dirigida contra las prácticas ilegales de comercialización de suplementos dietéticos a cargo de la FTC, el Departamento de Justicia, el Departamento de Defensa, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos, el Servicio de Inspección postal y la Agencia Antidoping de EE. UU.

Jessica Rich, Directora del Buró de Protección del Consumidor de la agencia, dijo al respecto: “La gente que busca un suplemento dietético para mejorar su salud tiene que atravesar una maraña de anuncios engañosos. Hay que desconfiar de los anuncios de suplementos dietéticos que dicen que curan enfermedades, revierten los signos del envejecimiento, o adelgazan sin necesidad de hacer dieta o ejercicios físicos.”

En este enlace se puede consultar una lista de los suplementos dietéticos relacionados con las acciones adoptadas por la FTC durante el último año como así también la lista de casos entablados contra los vendedores de los productos que van desde aquellos que declaran falsamente que el producto ayuda a perder peso a los usuarios, hasta aquellos que insinúan que pueden revertir el color de las canas, curar trastornos del habla y otras afecciones infantiles y mejorar la memoria y la función cognitiva.

Sunrise Nutraceuticals, LLC. De acuerdo a los términos de la demanda de la FTC, la compañía Sunrise, con sede en Boca Raton, Florida, declaró engañosamente que su suplemento dietético Elimidrol, una “fórmula patentada” de hierbas y otros ingredientes, alivia los síntomas de abstinencia y aumenta las probabilidades de superar la adicción a las sustancias opiáceas.

Presuntamente, Sunrise promociona su suplemento entre los consumidores adictos a las sustancias opiáceas declarando que es “el suplemento número 1 para los síntomas de abstinencia de las sustancias opiáceas” y que es el único producto indicado para los síntomas de abstinencia de sustancias opiáceas de “efectividad garantizada”. Supuestamente, Elimidrol no es adictivo ni crea hábito y ayudará a los usuarios a “superar por primera vez la abstinencia de manera permanente”. Las declaraciones también afirman un alto índice de éxito entre los usuarios, y que “los efectos se pueden sentir desde la primera dosis”.

Asimismo, Sunrise promociona Elimidrol por medio de testimonios de personas que describen el impacto perjudicial de la dependencia a las sustancias opiáceas en la vida de la gente y que manifiestan que Elimidrol es una solución para librarse de las drogas. Por ejemplo, uno de los testimonios dice “Descubrí Elimidrol y salvó mi vida. No es una exageración, este suplemento me SALVÓ la vida”. Esta persona amplía su testimonio diciendo “30 minutos después de la primera dosis advertí que realmente me estaba sintiendo bastante bien y que tenía una nueva sensación de lucidez”.

No obstante, en la demanda de la FTC se alega que los anuncios de Sunrise para su producto Elimidrol son engañosos porque son falsos o carecen de fundamento. Una botella de 7.9 onzas de Elimidrol cuesta $75. Con esta demanda, la FTC procura que se expida una orden judicial que le impida a la compañía efectuar este tipo de declaraciones, a menos que pueda fundamentarlas con una prueba científica competente y confiable.

El resultado de la votación de la Comisión para autorizar a su personal a presentar la demanda fue 4-0. La demanda fue presentada ante la Corte Federal de Distrito para el Distrito Sur de Florida.

Health Nutrition Products. En una demanda de mayo de 2014, la FTC  se acusó a Crystal Ewing y a cinco individuos y cinco compañías de efectuar declaraciones falsas y equívocas sobre salud y eficacia tanto en anuncios enviados por correo como en un sitio web de propiedad de Ewing. En los anuncios utilizados por los demandados para promocionar las píldoras para adelgazar W8-B-Gone, CITRI-SLIM 4 y Quick & Easy participaron falsos expertos en pérdida de peso. Citando estudios científicos falsos, los demandados también declararon engañosamente que poseían pruebas clínicas que demostraban que los consumidores se someterían a un “programa para adelgazar de RÁPIDA reducción de GRASAS” que les permitiría eliminar cinco libras en cuatro días con una píldora, o hasta 20 libras en 16 días con cuatro píldoras.

Los cargos de la FTC contra tres de los demandados involucrados en este fraude quedarán resueltos por medio de las órdenes judiciales propuestas anunciadas en el día de hoy. La orden contra la infractora reincidente Crystal Ewing y su compañía Classic Productions, LLC les exige la admisión de la responsabilidad en este caso, les prohíbe la venta de programas, productos y servicios de pérdida de peso y les impone una sentencia monetaria de cumplimiento efectivo de $2.7 millones de dólares. La orden contra Ricki Black, una ex directiva y ejecutiva de la compañía demandada Global Access Management Systems, Inc. no sujeta al acuerdo, le prohíbe incurrir en la conducta engañosa alegada en la demanda, contiene una sentencia monetaria en suspenso de $1.6 millones de dólares, y le exige la entrega a la FTC del dinero obtenido por la venta de su carro deportivo y sus joyas.

El resultado de la votación de la Comisión para aprobar las sentencias acordadas propuestas fue 4-0. Las sentencias acordadas propuestas fueron presentadas ante la Corte Federal de Distrito para el Distrito de Nevada. La litigación contra el resto de los demandados continúa en curso.

NPB Advertising, Inc. De acuerdo a los términos de la demanda de la FTC en mayo de 2014, la compañía NPB y otros, con sede en Florida, se aprovecharon de la moda de la dieta de grano de café verde efectuando declaraciones falsas relacionadas con la pérdida de peso y publicando noticias falaces en sitios web sobre este mismo tema con la intención de comercializar un suplemento dietético llamado Pure Green Coffee. Esta moda comenzó en el programa de televisión The Dr. Oz Show donde se promocionó el extracto de grano de café verde como un poderoso tratamiento para adelgazar que supuestamente quemaba las grasas. Semanas después de la difusión del programa, los demandados lanzaron el suplemento Pure Green Coffee y lo promocionaron a través de anuncios en internet y en su propio sitio web efectuando declaraciones presuntamente equívocas, engañosas e infundadas sobre su efecto adelgazante para ayudar a perder peso a los consumidores.

La orden judicial propuesta anunciada hoy resuelve los cargos de la FTC contra varias compañías e individuos involucrados en el fraude de Pure Green Coffee, entre los que se incluyen Nationwide Ventures, LLC; NPB Advertising, Inc.; JMD Advertising, Inc.; Olympic Advertising, Inc.; Sermo Group, LLC; Signature Group, LLC; Paul Pascual; Bryan Walsh; y la parte demandada para propósitos de recobro de daños CPW Funding, LLC. La orden propuesta les prohíbe a los demandados incurrir en las prácticas y actos engañosos descritos en la demanda y les impone una sentencia monetaria de $30 millones de dólares que quedará suspendida tras el pago de $160,800 y la entrega del dinero obtenido por la venta de activos que superan un valor de $155,760 dólares.

El resultado de la votación de la Comisión para aprobar la sentencia acordada propuesta fue 4-0. La propuesta fue presentada ante la Corte Federal de Distrito para el Distrito Medio de Florida, División Tampa. La litigación contra el resto de los demandados continúa en curso.

Cartas de advertencia. Hoy, la FTC también envió 20 cartas de advertencia dirigidas a compañías que anuncian y venden suplementos dietéticos para la pérdida de peso en internet para advertirles que el personal de la Comisión ha revisado sus declaraciones sobre pérdida de peso y que dichas declaraciones podrían ser engañosas. En las cartas se describe el tipo de prueba científica que deben tener antes de efectuar declaraciones relacionadas con la pérdida de peso y también se plantean cuestionamientos relacionados con el uso de testimonios de consumidores en los sitios web.

En las cartas se detallan las sanciones aplicables a la infracción de la Ley de la FTC, se proporcionan enlaces electrónicos con materiales de educación para consumidores y negocios pertinentes y también se les solicita a las compañías que revisen las declaraciones publicadas en sus sitios web, que las corrijan según corresponda y que le notifiquen a la agencia las medidas específicas adoptas para modificar las declaraciones de sus anuncios. Por el momento, la FTC no menciona a las compañías destinatarias de las cartas.

Educación para consumidores y negocios. El sitio web de la FTC contiene información para ayudar a los consumidores a tomar decisiones informadas sobre los suplementos dietéticos y las declaraciones relacionadas con la salud incluidas en los anuncios y para que los negocios se mantengan dentro del marco de la ley. La publicación Suplementos dietéticos contiene enlaces electrónicos con información sobre qué son los suplementos dietéticos, si son seguros y cómo reportar los posibles problemas a la Comisión. La publicación Health Claims, disponible en inglés, contiene enlaces electrónicos con información para los negocios que venden suplementos dietéticos y una variedad de productos que describe cómo asegurarse de que su publicidad no sea engañosa o equívoca.

La FTC es miembro del Consejo Nacional de Prevención que ofrece coordinación y liderazgo a nivel federal en lo concerniente a las prácticas de prevención, bienestar y promoción de la salud. Este caso promueve el objetivo de la Estrategia Nacional de Prevención que se propone incrementar la cantidad de estadounidenses saludables en todas las etapas de la vida.

NOTA: La Comisión presenta una demanda cuando existe una “razón para creer” que la ley ha sido o está siendo violada, y cuando la Comisión considera que el procedimiento es de interés público. Las órdenes de acuerdo adquieren fuerza de ley cuando son firmadas por el juez de la Corte de Distrito.

La FTC trabaja en favor del consumidor para la prevención de prácticas comerciales fraudulentas, engañosas y desleales y para proveer información para ayudar a los consumidores a identificar, detener y evitar dichas prácticas. Para presentar una queja en internet use el Asistente de Quejas de la FTC o llame al 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). La FTC ingresa las quejas presentadas por los consumidores a una base de datos segura llamada Red Centinela del Consumidor (Consumer Sentinel) que es utilizada por más de 2,000 agencias de cumplimiento de las leyes civiles y penales en los Estados Unidos y del extranjero. El sitio web de la FTC provee información gratis sobre una variedad de temas del consumidor. Haga clic en la opción “me gusta” la FTC en Facebook (link is external), “síganos” en Twitter (link is external), y suscríbase a los comunicados de prensa para acceder a las noticias y recursos más recientes de la FTC.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What We Know About the Man Accused of Masterminding the Paris Attacks (BusinessWeek)

Abdelhamid Abaaoud
A French official has identified the organizer of the Paris attacks as Belgian Abdelhamid Abaaoud, pictured
  • Paris killings claimed 129 lives, injured more than 300
  • Hollande calls for united front against Islamic State

French investigators think they know who masterminded the deadliest terrorist assault in peacetime France: Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 20-something Belgian who joined the ranks of the Islamic State a few years ago.

The son of a Moroccan shopkeeper, familiar to the intelligence community for his high-profile presence on social media, Abaaoud is being studied by investigators as the man who orchestrated the seven attacks in the Paris area on Friday that left at least 129 people dead and hundreds more wounded, the prosecutor’s office said. Abaaoud, who Le Monde newspaper says is 28, is also linked by French officials to a failed assault on a Paris-bound high-speed train in August and a plot to attack a church in the city in April.

Belgian security officials began tracking him in March 2014 after he appeared in a video behind the wheel of a pickup truck dragging mutilated bodies to a mass grave in Syria. About six months later, photos surfaced on the Internet indicating he had lured his 13-year-old brother Younes to the war zone.

Like many jihadis, Abaaoud leads a ghost-like existence, with investigators scarcely able to piece together an outline of his whereabouts. His trail went cold in Greece after thwarted assaults against Belgian police in January he’s accused of planning. He’s believed to have returned to Syria. Western allies sought to kill Abaaoud in an airstrike in the weeks before the Paris attack, but failed to find him, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing two unidentified Western security officials.

The Paris attacks were “decided, planned in Syria, organized in Belgium and carried out in France,” President Francois Hollande told lawmakers on Monday in a rare joint session of the two houses of parliament in Versailles, on the outskirts of the French capital.
Molenbeek Connection

There are few clues to Abaaoud’s radicalization. He grew up in Molenbeek, a working-class district of Brussels, where the now-banned Shariah4Belgium extremist group was particularly active in seeking recruits among the disenfranchised and alienated youth. The Guardian reported that he had committed several armed robberies. His father said he was a good son whose actions have brought shame to the family.

“Why would he want to kill innocent Belgians? Our family owes everything to this country," Omar Abaaoud told La Derniere Heure newspaper this year. “Abdelhamid was not a difficult child and became a good businessman. Suddenly, he left for Syria. I wondered every day how he became radicalized to this point. I never got an answer.”

In July, Abaaoud was sentenced in absentia to 20 years in prison by a Belgian court, along with 31 other jihadists, for the plot to attack the police officers.

Europe ‘Zero’

The video of Abaaoud dragging corpses comes from a cellphone found by Free Syrian Army soldiers that they gave to Etienne Huver, a French journalist who spent time last year on the Turkish-Syrian border. It turned out to be Abaaoud’s.

The oldest photos on the phone are banal, showing images of family members, cartoons, Huver said in a televised interview. In January 2014, his phone activity shows searches for a suitable car for a long road trip. A month later, Abaaoud appears in Syria wearing the traditional Afghan shalwar kameez tunic and pants that have become a uniform of sorts for jihadists, brandishing his Kalashnikov and other weapons.

What life do you prefer, he asks his friends in one video filmed around a camp fire, Europe or here? “Europe is nothing, zero,” one replies.

In the pickup-truck video, Abaaoud arrives at the scene of a bloodbath and films corpses of men wearing Syrian army uniforms. “They fought for democracy, for secularism, for money,” he says. “They are fighting us because we want to establish Shariah law.”

Inside a nearby house are the bodies of dead civilians, a man who had been chopping onions and a child carrying a plate. He shows no remorse as he walks through the rooms.

‘Terrorist Tourist’

“Before, we pulled jet skis, quads, motorcycles, luggage full of presents to go on holiday in Morocco,” he says grinning in the pickup. “Now, we are pulling Kufar, Murtads,” derogatory Arabic terms used to refer to non-believers.

On his Facebook page, he called himself a “terrorist tourist.”

Abaaoud’s social media presence stopped soon after all the cell phone data was released. He re-emerges in February 2015 when Islamic State’s English-language Dabiq magazine published what it said was an interview with him. He’s referred to as Abu Umar al Baljiki and discusses the planned assault on Belgian police in January and the subsequent shoot out in which two of his co-conspirators were killed.

Security sources were quoted by Belgian media at the time as wondering if the interview was fake, citing contradictions in Abaaoud’s statements. For example, he said he had been in Belgium for the planned attack, but the country’s Flemish-language VTM reported that his telephone was traced to Greece, where he may have been briefly detained by police.

In the Dabiq article, Abaaoud says Allah chose him “to terrorize the crusaders waging war against Muslims.”

Monday, November 16, 2015

Florida International Trade Events Newsletter - November 12, 2015

Florida International Trade Events Newsletter      November 12, 2015

Welcome to Enterprise Florida's International trade events newsletter!
New Enterprise Florida trade events:
Export Development Trade Mission to Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)

New and Updated Partner trade events:

Events are listed in order by date. Please contact individual event organizers for additional information.

Programs & Services for Florida Exporters

 Platinum Member Sponsor
RX logo_EF Website 2015 copy

Calendar of Events
For a complete listing of Enterprise Florida events, please click the link below.

To be added to our Trade Events mailing list please click here.

Enterprise Florida Trade Events

Export Sales Mission to Honduras

December 1-3, 2015
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Enterprise Florida, Inc. (EFI) will lead an export sales mission to Honduras from December 1-3, 2015. The country of Honduras holds vast opportunities for Florida companies interested in increasing their footprint in the Central American market. In fact, it serves as a distribution platform for the rest of Central America due to some of the lowest logistical costs in the region. Facilitated by the U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), the U.S. has become the chief trading partner for Honduras and exporters benefit from eliminated tariffs and barriers.

EFI will offer a limited number of Gold Key Matchmaking one-on-one appointments. Small and mid-sized Florida manufacturers and eligible high-tech companies and professional service providers may qualify for a Gold Key Grant, which will offset 100 percent of the matchmaking registration fee for the first company representative. A separate application process will be required for this grant. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

For further information, please contact:
Stephanie Pavolini
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Jorge Riano
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Arab Health 2016

January 25-28, 2016
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Arab Health will be the largest healthcare event for Middle East with the addition of the new Zabeel Hall at the Dubai International Exhibition Centre. Over 5,000 exhibitors utilize this show as a launch platform for new products and services as well as showcasing new developments. Arab Health attracts decision-makers from the region’s healthcare sector. Arab Health 2015 attracted 115,000 visitors from over 64 countries around the world, including medical staff, hospital management, and dealer distributors. 
Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Michael Schiffhauer
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Singapore Airshow 2016

February 16-21, 2016
Changi, Singapore
Singapore Air Show is Asia’s largest aerospace and defense exhibition, hosting 1,018 exhibitors from 76 countries and more than 45,000 visitor attendees. With major announcements from Airbus, Embraer, Boeing and Rolls-Royce, 65 of the top 100 aerospace companies will be represented at the show. This Enterprise Florida Inc. (EFI) led trip provides exposure in the Asia-Pacific region for Florida aviation and aerospace companies. EFI has multiple booth options to choose from, private meeting rooms and a lounge area within the Florida Pavilion. Your company will be sure to stand out amongst the crowd.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Paul Mitchell
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Dubai International Boat Show

March 1-5, 2016
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Middle East remains one of the most affluent regions in the world and companies from all over the globe will showcase their latest designs and innovations at the Dubai International Boat Show (DIBS). With an impressive display of boats and super yachts in the Middle East and the largest, most lucrative gathering of VIP’s and royal families; DIBS delivers the ultimate meeting point for the region’s most prosperous buyers. Attracting tens of thousands of visitors each year, DIBS is one of the few events worldwide where companies constantly experience an impressive return on their exhibition investment. Enterprise Florida is once again teaming with the USA pavilion organizer and the U.S. Commercial Service to offer companies the opportunity to exhibit in the Florida Section of the US Pavilion.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Larry Bernaski
Enterprise Florida Inc.
CeBIT 2016

March 14-18, 2016
Hannover, Germany
Enterprise Florida is encouraging Florida technology companies to participate in CeBIT, the world's largest international expo in the ICT industry. Since 1986, the annual trade show has taken place in Hanover, Germany. CeBIT 2016 is scheduled to be held March 16 to 20 (Monday through Friday). Currently, 3,500 companies from 70 countries have registered for participation, 92% of them buyers. As a leading IT expo and conference, CeBIT focuses on B2B and covers multiple sectors including IT equipment and components, software, internet, mobile, telecommunication and digital business solutions.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Andrea Moore
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Export Sales Mission to Korea and Taiwan

April 15-23, 2016
Seoul, Korea and Taipei, Taiwan
Join Florida Secretary of Commerce Bill Johnson on an Export Sales Mission to Korea & Taiwan. South Korea and Taiwan, strong and growing Asian economies, are highly attractive export markets for U.S. companies. Over the past several decades, South Korea has achieved a remarkably high level of economic growth and is now the United States’ sixth largest goods trading partner with a trillion-dollar economy. The United States is Taiwan’s third largest trading partner, accounting for more than 10 percent of its total trade. Florida companies are invited to join the mission and participate in the Gold Key program. This program offers an excellent way to meet with potential business partners and build relationship in both markets.
EFI will offer a limited number of Gold Key Matchmaking one-on-one appointments. Small and mid-sized Florida manufacturers and professional service providers may qualify for a Gold Key Grant, which will offset the matchmaking registration fee for the first company representative. A separate application process will be required for this grant. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

Individuals can participate under the delegate package. Delegate package does not include any one-on-one appointments. The Delegate package includes: admission to all mission events, airport transfers in country when traveling on official mission flights and ground transportation to all mission events.

For further information, please contact:
John Diep
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Max Stewart
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Export Development Trade Mission to Mexico

May 23-26, 2016
Mexico City, Mexico
Join Florida Secretary of Commerce Bill Johnson on an Export Development Trade Mission to Mexico. With 120 million people and a GDP of approximately $1.33 trillion, Mexico offers tremendous opportunities for Florida companies interested in increasing their footprint in Latin America. Mexico is currently our nation’s third largest trading partner and second largest export market for U.S. products. Mexico ranks tenth among Florida’s trading partners; our state exported more than $1.6 billion to Mexico last year.

Option 1: Gold Key Package
EFI will offer a limited number of Gold Key Matchmaking one-on-one appointments through the USCS for participating Florida companies. Small and mid-sized Florida manufacturers and professional service providers may qualify for a Gold Key Grant, which will offset the matchmaking registration fee for the first company representative.The price of this service is $1,675. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

Option 2: Select USA Gold Key Package for EDOs
The U.S. Commercial Service will schedule one-on-one appointments with pre-screened Mexican companies that have expressed an interest in your community. SelectUSA Gold Key participation will be limited to Florida communities that best meet the criteria of potential investors. Selection of these EDO’s will be on a first come first-served basis. Final selection will be determined by the U.S. Commercial Officer after a review to ensure market suitability.

Option 3: Delegate Package
Individuals can participate under the delegate package. Delegate package does not include any one-on-one appointments. The Delegate package includes: admission to all mission events, airport transfers in country when traveling on official mission flights and ground transportation to all mission events.

For further information, please contact:
Ilona Vega
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Stephanie Pavolini
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Partner Trade Events

38th Annual SEUS/Japan Joint Meeting

November 15-17, 2015
Birmingham, Alabama
Florida Delegation, Southeast U.S./Japan Association (‘SEUS/Japan’) is pleased to announce that Florida Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera will officially lead the Florida Delegation to the 38th Annual Joint Meeting of the Japan U.S./Southeast and Southeast U.S./Japan Associations in Birmingham, Alabama November 15-17, 2015. Regular registration for Florida Delegates ends October 23rd, and a special promotional rate is available for first-time delegates. This year’s program will include remarks and presentations by senior business, economic development and government leaders, with emphasis on trade, investment, tourism and friendly ties between Florida/the Southeast U.S. and Japan. Additionally, Japan’s Ambassador to the U.S. and Dr. Condoleezza Rice will participate as keynote speakers; Amb. Andrew Young is the capstone speaker. The meeting will provide exciting networking opportunities for all of the some 400-500 participating delegates, including a golf tournament, tours, receptions, meals and entertainment. For more details, call us at 786-235-8289 or visit us online at
The Universidad San Ignacio De Loyola - Escuela de Postgrado invites you to attend the Peru, Chile & Colombia: How American Companies Can Enter These Key Markets. The objective of this seminar is to present in the United States the most important economic facts, business environment and investment opportunities in Peru, Chile and Colombia. This seminar is targeted to professionals and businessmen in the United States interested in exploring and learning about the business environment and investment opportunities of Peru, Chile and Colombia.

Dominican International Business & Tourism Expo 2015

November 18, 2015
Doral, Florida
Join the Dominican International Business & Tourism Federation for the Dominican Intl Business & Tourism Expo 2015. Build your business connections. Local participants from over 15 countries and more than 1,300 business executives and professionals will attend the event. There will be marketing and finance seminars along with special promotions and raffles. Exhibitors will have business appointments based on your industry and product and/or services demonstrations via media networks. Visitors will have access to over 150 participating businesses from throughout. Free admission and parking is available with business card.

Doing Business with North Brabant, The Netherlands

November 18, 2015
Orlando, Florida
Join the Brabant Development Agency in learning about the key opportunities for Orange County companies in Tourism, Healthcare, Life Sciences, and Aerospace. Brabant, The Netherlands is one of the most innovative regions in European Union. As the gateway to Europe, the Netherlands has a multilingual, highly educated workforce, 1,200+ foreign investors in North Brabant and 2,100 patent applications in the province each year.
Successful Strategies for New Businesses

November 18-19, 2015
Naples, Florida
Wednesday, November 18th - 9:00am to 11:00am: This course provides basic information and resources to help entrepreneurs start a business. Topics include: licenses and permits, state regulations, financing options, and business development services offered by HBIF.

Thursday, November 19th - 9:00am to 11:00am: Information will be provided on how to get a bank loan, preparation of the loan application, business concept presentation and management of cash flow.

For more information, please contact Diana Teixeira at

XIII Latin American Conference on Rubber Technology

November 23, 2015
Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
With 20 years experience, the Latin American Conference on Rubber Technology has become the most important event in this industry. This renowned event offers opportunities to update your knowledge on the latest technology, trends, make important business contacts and further position your company or services and increase its visibility. The XIII Conference will include technical conferences, master classes, workshops, business presentations and scientific studies on rubber and latex technology and related industries.
Join JAX Chamber and The Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Washington, D.C. for a two-day international conference to discuss the economic impact of regional trade on local businesses in the Southeast.

Salon Nautique International de Paris

December 5-13, 2015
Paris, France
Display your water-related product or service at Salon Nautique International de Paris, an annual event for the nautical world. Salon Nautique International takes place on Dec. 5-13, 2015 at the Porte de Versailles, Paris, France. Visitors benefit from the wide selection of exhibitors where they can compare motorboats and various sailing boats, get professional advice, and enjoy a friendly atmosphere in different animation areas. The show will feature Sailing boats, motorboats, board sports, boat hire, tourism, equipment and more – every water sport is with our 775 exhibitors representing 1,400 brands, on 125,000-m2. For exhibiting information, please contact Kim Fox at 203-840-5986 or
EAR / ITAR Compliance Training Series in Miami

December 7-10, 2015
Miami, Florida
This seminar series provides both novice and experienced export compliance professionals with an in-depth education on export control regulations administered by the U.S. Departments of State, Commerce & Treasury. Export Control Reform changes can be a real benefit to your company's business once you understand how to adapt and maximize the benefit of list shifts from USML to CCL and how to apply the new definition of "Specially Designed" in the EAR to benefit your company. Our instructors are widely respected experts in the field of export control compliance with over 30 years of experience in interpreting and applying the rules of both the EAR and the ITAR. Expect to leave these seminars with an in-depth understanding of what the current rules are and what you need to do to keep your company compliant.

Doing Business with Spain

December 8, 2015
Orlando, Florida
Join the Honorable Inmaculada Gutierrez, Trade Commissioner of Spain, as she provides an overview of the opportunities the market has to offer. Spain is the world's 13th-largest economy, the 9th-largest exporter of commercial services, one of Florida's top merchandise trading partners and one of the largest investors in Florida.
Meet the District Export Council

December 10, 2015
Orlando, Florida
Join the District Export Council for a networking reception with experienced international business mentors with a mission to help Florida exporters achieve new revenue streams by selling to customers outside the USA.

Americas Linkage Asia

January 16-26, 2016
Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai, China and Hong Kong
From January 16 - January 26, 2016, the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce will take more than 20 Florida business executives to Hong Kong and China. During this trade mission, Florida companies will have an opportunity to showcase their services as part of the Asia Forum attracting top representatives worldwide. The Forum gives participants the opportunity to choose the countries they wish to meet and explore business opportunities with and appointments will be scheduled for each delegate as part of the Forum.
Complying with U.S. Export Controls

February 17-18, 2016
Tampa, Florida
This two-day program is led by BIS' professional counseling staff and provides an in-depth examination of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The program will cover information exporters need to know to comply with U.S. export control requirements on commercial goods. The seminar will focus on what items and activities are subject to the EAR; steps to take to determine export licensing requirements for your item; how to determine your export control classification number (ECCN); when you can export or reexport without applying for a license; export clearance procedures and record keeping requirements; an overview of the Export Compliance Management Program (ECMP) concepts; and real life examples in applying this information.

Cross Cultural Management Summit 2016

February 18-20, 2016
Melbourne, Florida
The Institute for Cross Cultural Management (ICCM) invites you to join the 2016 Cross Cultural Management Summit to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on February 18-20, 2016. Join top thought leaders and experienced international business executives to solve some of the pressing cross cultural management challenges facing your organization. While you are enjoying the Summit, don't miss the opportunity to improve your global competencies and reduce the risk, time, and costs of international business. In addition, ICCM is offering 2 workshops the week of the Summit on Cross Cultural Competence and Global Leadership. Both workshops are approved for seven HRCI re-certification credits. Register for both and receive a discount.

The 15th Annual “Partnering for Compliance™” East Coast export/import control program is in Orlando, FL on Mar. 2-4, 2016. A separate requested ‘Customs/Import Boot Camp’ one-day program will be held on Mar. 1, 2016. Gov’t & Trade Speakers: DoS/DDTL: Terry Davis & DDTC Daniel Buzby; DoC/BIS: Gene Christiansen & OEE Jonathan Barnes; DoD/DTSA: Ken Oukrop; OFAC: Jamie Rose; Census Bureau: Omari Wooden; DHS/CBP: Joe Mitchell; ICE: Jacquelyn Metzger; AND, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Field, LLP: Jonathan Poling; Braumiller Law Group PLLC: Adrienne Braumiller & Bruce Leeds; David Hayes: UK/EU Export Controls and U.S. Trade. NOTE: Gene Christiansen will also focus on ECR implementation.

Chemical Mission from the USA to Brazil

March 7-11, 2016
Sao Paulo, Brazil
The U.S. Commercial Service in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is organizing an outbound Chemical Mission from the USA to Brazil, on March 7 – 11, 2016. U.S. chemical suppliers will have the unique chance to participate in one-on-one meetings with chemical distributors from all over Brazil and also meet with OXITENO, one of the largest chemical companies in Brazil. Over 80 Brazilian chemical distributors will attend the event.
Hannover Messe 2016

April 25-29, 2016
Hannover, Germany
The United States is the partner country for Hannover Messe 2016, the world’s leading trade fair for industrial technology. This means unmatched international exposure for U.S. companies and economic development organizations (EDOs) participating as exhibitors in the U.S. Pavilion. Your company or EDO has an unprecedented opportunity to showcase your goods, services, and investment opportunities:
  • Connect directly to more than 200,000 attendees, including global investors, buyers, distributors, re-sellers, and members of the business media.
  • Reach a global audience that comes from more than 70 countries.
  • Network with more than 100 business delegations that come to the event ready to make business and investment deals.
  • Connect across industry sectors including energy, industrial automation, digital factory, industrial supply, and research technology.