Thursday, October 29, 2015

You're invited to the...(SFTA)

You're invited to the

Mobile Growth LATAM 2015


November 12 - 13 in Miami


Frecuencia Latinoamérica & Mobile Growth Fellowship join forces to introduce Mobile Growth LATAM. This 2-day, non-vendor conference will help you connect with mobile growth professionals from Latin America and the Hispanic US.
Learn about the huge opportunities, markets, and trends which lie within the LATAM mobile space in user acquisition, retention, distribution and monetization of mobile content, apps, stores and mobile entertainment services. Network with Latinamerican innovators from leading game and app developers, studios, brands, operators, media agencies and app marketing platforms, among many others!

SFTA Member Discount Code Available
Email Doug Saenz

About the Organizers

Frecuencia Latinoamérica is a news organization, publisher and events company covering Latinamerican and US Hispanic mobile markets. Among others, the company reports and organizes conferences in the topics of VAS, broadband, mobile entertainment, payments, gaming and content since 1995. Frecuencia Latinoamérica is the organizer of M2Content & Apps LATAM and M2Games LATAM conference series.
The Mobile Growth Fellowship is a non-vendor, not-for-profit, mobile industry think tank at the forefront of the industry. Designed to educate on best practices, discuss issues and trends, and predict directional changes in the field. Focused on Mobile Growth via User Acquisition, Monetization, and Engagement/Retention. 
The organization organizes the Mobile Growth conference series all over the world.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Jugadores: Eviten morder el anzuelo del phishing (Andrew Johnson)

La Comisión Federal de Comercio
Por Andrew Johnson
División de Educación del Consumidor, FTC

¿Alguna vez recibiste un email que parecía legítimo, pero en el que te pedían que hicieras clic en un enlace o que suministraras algún dato personal? Pues bien, si participas de juegos en línea con múltiples jugadores, ten cuidado porque los “phishers” están a la pesca de maneras de lograr que esos emails lleguen a tu bandeja de entrada.

Funciona de la siguiente manera:

Recibes un email advirtiéndote que te están por suspender tu cuenta. ¿El motivo? El email dice “usted intentó vender su personaje de juego o artículos virtuales a cambio de dinero contante y sonante”. Y te dicen que la compañía de juegos puede demandarte por $2,700 si ignoras el aviso y sigues vendiendo artículos virtuales a cambio de dinero. El email dice que si quieres revisar el estatus de tu cuenta o disputar la suspensión hagas clic en un enlace y que completes una página de “verificación”. En realidad, todo es una trampa para tratar de robarte tu información personal, como los números de tu cuenta o tarjeta de crédito.

Puede ser difícil diferenciar una estafa de algo legítimo, especialmente si en el email aparecen logotipos o nombres de compañías. Te damos algunas recomendaciones para lidiar con este tipo de emails:

No respondas ni hagas clic en los enlaces ni llames a los números de teléfono incluidos en el mensaje.

Si tienes dudas sobre la legitimidad del mensaje, busca por tu cuenta la verdadera información de contacto de la compañía y comunícate directamente.

Usa un software de seguridad de una fuente confiable y configúralo para que se actualice automáticamente.

No abras documentos adjuntos ni descargues archivos de emails inesperados; podrían contener virus que pueden dañar tu computadora.

Si alguna vez tienes la impresión de que recibiste un email que es una estafa – o si tienes dudas – coméntalo con tus familiares y amigos, especialmente antes de dar tu información personal o enviar dinero. Tenemos más información sobre cómo detectar y reportar los mensajes phishing.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

CAMACOL joins NYC in remembering Dr. Rivka, a wonderful scientist and person!

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Doctor Rivka will be Remembered in NYC

Dr. Rivka Bertisch Meir's innovative research and techniques, will be remembered in a discussion panel in New York next month. 

The event will take place on Friday, November 6th, 2015 as part of the 27th Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research. "Three gifted psychologists in New York City: Their contributions and legacies" panel will review the legacy of Dr. Rivka Bertisch Meir, Richard H. Wexler, and Robert W. Rieber, three accomplished NYC psychologists that we lost in 2014-2015.

The panel hosted by Saint Francis College, in cooperation with the Manhattan Psychological Association, and APA Divisions of International Psychology and Social Issues (SPSSI-NY) will be moderated by Harold Takooshian, President, Manhattan Psy Assoc.

Dr. Michael Meir, Co-founder of will present the tribute "Rivka Bertisch Meir: The Rivka Method of integrative counseling and Judaism." Suzanne Roff-Wexler, Manhattan Psychological Association will pay homage to Richard H. Wexler, and Rafael Javier, St. John's University, will eulogize Robert W. Rieber.

Read Full Article »


New Partnership with Humboldt International University Announced

Empowerment Experts Group's programs promote assertiveness, high performance, quality customer service, leadership, synergy and empowerment. Empowerment Experts Group has teamed up with Humboldt International University to offer an educational opportunity for success and well-being around the world by launching a new Certificate and Master program aimed to help individuals, companies, organizations and policy makers to reach their goals and promote a better future.

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ExpertsOur Expert: Iliana Berezovsky, LMFT  

Iliana Berezovsky is an expert in communication, coach and educator (Bilingual English- Spanish). Specializes in enhancing and improving relationships in corporate and individual settings. Here she explains her cutting edge counseling techniques.  Watch video »  

Nuestro Experto: Rubén Betancourt, PhD

Es experto en Innovación y Creatividad, especialista en Sistemas de Productividad Avanzada. En este video nos habla del "Uso de Tecnologías para romper las brechas generacionales" y cómo desarrollar nuestras habilidades innatas.  Watch video »

personalLet's talk about Personal Development with Dr. Michael Meir
On his new series on human development videos, Dr. Michael Meir invites individuals, business owners and corporate leaders to embrace innovation and create synergy to achieve their goals. Watch video »


Nuestro coach de tecnología Rubén Betancourt dictará el taller "Empoderamiento Tecnológico en las Relaciones Familiares", para facilitar las relaciones intergenracionales y la comunicación entre padres, hijos, abuelos, con el auxilio de las herramientas de la tecnología. El próximo 11 de noviembre en Skylake Synagogue, 1850 NE 183rd St. North Miami Beach, FL 33179.

Entrada Gratis - Todos son bienvenidos

Empowerment Experts Group is open to new markets, ideas and innovative ways reacting to constant changes. Thank you for making us part of your success, give us a call a if you need more information regarding our events, coaching and synergy programs. Our experts, and myself personally, are always available for you.

For a full list of workshops and to sign up for Empowerment Experts Group's next event please visit:

Dr. Michael Meir 
Empowerment Experts Group  
Empowerment Experts Group
305-682-8755 | |

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

La FTC y la NCUA ofrecen recomendaciones sobre seguridad cibernética

La Comisión Federal de Comercio

La FTC y la NCUA ofrecen recomendaciones sobre seguridad cibernética

Octubre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre Seguridad Cibernética, así que la FTC y la Administración Nacional de Cooperativas de Crédito se han unido para participar en una conversación en vivo vía Twitter para hablar sobre recomendaciones para proteger tu información. Este chat será en inglés. Durante este chat, la Comisión Federal de Comercio compartirá recomendaciones y herramientas de sus y Los cuales están disponibles en español en
La NCUA compartirá recursos de con información sobre lo que pueden hacer los consumidores para proteger sus finanzas. El chat está programado para el jueves 22 de octubre a las 11 a.m. (Hora del Este). Súmate a la conversación en #NCUAChat. También puedes enviar tus preguntas por anticipado a
¡"Hablamos" el jueves a las 11 a.m.!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10 of the best places to study cybersecurity

University of Texas, San Antonio
Taking first place in an HP-sponsored Ponemon study of cybersecurity programs in 2014, the University of Texas, San Antonio has more than 14 courses where students can study infosec and cybersecurity.

Norwich University
Norwich University is a military school in Vermont. The NSA has listed the school as a center of academic excellence in information assurance education. It also came in second place in the Ponemon study list.

University of Bristol
The University of Bristol in the UK hosts the The Bristol Security Centre, an academic center focused on cybersecurity research.

While it did not appear on the 2014 Ponemon list, MIT has since launched three new cybersecurity initiatives for students.

Mississippi State University
Mississippi State University operates the Center for Computer Security Research (CCSR) where computer vulnerabilities are studied in hopes of improving cybersecurity.

Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University has long been known as one of the top universities to study cybersecurity.

Lancaster University
Lancaster University, in partnership with its Security Lancaster research initiative, has developed a program to train cybersecurity professionals in the field's major issues.

Syracuse University
Syracuse University offers a 15-credit program for the certificate of advanced study in information security management, a great program for cybersecurity skills.

Queen's University Belfast
Located in Northern Ireland, Queen's University Belfast is one of the many universities in the UK recognized by the UK intelligence agency GCHQ.

Purdue University
Although known for engineering, Purdue University offers many of the key computer science classes needed for cybersecurity professionals. It also offers a few graduate degrees in infosec.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Tesla: Journalist Struck Gigafactory Guard With Jeep

Reno Gazette-Journal photographer Andy Barron was booked for battery with a deadly weapon.
Tesla Gigafactory

A Reno Gazette-Journal photographer was arrested last week after a run-in with security guards at Tesla's Nevada Gigafactory site.

Andy Barron, who has worked with the Gazette-Journal for 17 years, was booked on a charge of battery with a deadly weapon, the paper reported.

According to Tesla, Barron and a Gazette-Journal reporter who was with him will also be charged with trespassing. The Storey County Sheriff's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Tesla said Barron and his colleague were caught snapping photos of the factory Friday morning.

"They refused to provide their names, despite the Reno Gazette Journal ('RGJ') ID credentials hanging from their pockets," the company said in a blog post. "They also denied that they were trespassing even though they had climbed through a fence designated with 'private property' signs."

Asked by two factory guards to wait until security management and the Sheriff's Department arrived on the scene, Barron and his co-worker allegedly tried to take off in their Jeep.
"As the Tesla employee attempted to record the license plate number on the rear bumper, the driver put [the Jeep] in reverse and accelerated into the Tesla employee, knocking him over," the blog post said.

The employee reportedly sustained a blow to the left hip, cuts on his arms, and scrapes on both palms.

More damage was done when the Jeep struck an ATV carrying two safety managers. When one approached the Gazette-Journal vehicle, the driver accelerated, striking him at the waist, according to Tesla.

Reno Gazette-Journal publisher John Maher said the newspaper is taking the incident "very seriously and it is under investigation at this time," according to the paper.

The Jeep, owned by the Gazette-Journal, also sustained damage: a rock was used to shatter the driver's-side window, and the driver's seat belt was cut in half, but it was unclear how that happened.

Tesla last fall confirmed Nevada as the home of its Gigafactory large-scale battery manufacturing plant. The $5 billion factory will employ 6,500 workers and produce 500,000 lithium-ion battery cells annually over the next six years. Despite reports that construction was delayed, the car maker earlier this year promised that the plant remains on schedule.

"We appreciate the interest in the Gigafactory, but the repeated acts of trespassing, including by those working for the RGJ, is illegal, dangerous and needs to stop," Tesla said. "In particular, we will not stand for assaults on our employes and are working with law enforcement to investigate this incident and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice."

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Used-Car Shoppers Haven't Stopped Buying Volkswagen's Dirty Diesels

Car dealers predictably steered clear of Volkswagen's dirty diesels after the company admitted to equipping its cars to cheat emissions tests. At auction, values for the 500,000 or so affected cars in the U.S. fell between 8 percent and 14.5 percent after the Volkswagen announcement in mid-September, according to new data from Kelley Blue Book. Values for gas-powered versions of the same cars dipped by 1.8 percent, evidence that the scandal could weigh on Volkswagen's reputation at large.
The price drop isn't surprising. The risk of being stuck with a bunch of toxic assets isn't worth the reward to the average car dealer. Drivers, however, see things differently. Volkswagen's diesels don't appear to have been dented nearly as much on secondary markets, where owners sell used cars directly.

At CarGurus, an online car shopping platform, the average price of the affected cars has only dipped by .06 percent since the scandal broke. Carlypso, a California based car-shopping startup, reported a price drop of .3 percent. That’s right—all the hue and cry about a sinister plot to cheat emissions tests sent prices plunging by about $30. “So far, it looks pretty much like a wash,” said Carlypso co-founder Chris Coleman.

This isn’t to say people don’t expect values on these cars to change drastically. It’s just that the predictions are polarized and, at the moment, they appear to be canceling each other out. Even the opinions of Carlypso's staff are drastically split. “I had one colleague here telling me prices were going to hit rock-bottom,” Coleman explained. “I’m in the other camp.”

Propping prices up are the people who expect Volkswagen to somehow make good after the scandal. The company is exploring a range of options, from a software fix to completely replacing the cars. Considering the flurry of lawsuits, financial settlements also seem likely.

Many TDI owners are taking a wait-and-see approach. Heidi Johnson, a fashion-apparel buyer in Charleston, S.C., doesn’t feel like she has a lot of options for the 2014 Volkswagen Beetle she bought a few months ago for $19,000. “I owe money on it," she said, "and at this point who’s going to want to buy it?”

What’s more, Johnson really loves the champagne-colored bug: “It’s such a great car. The only problem is I’m embarrassed to drive it now.” 

Her experience speaks to another bullish force in the market: diesel fans. The largest source of diesel engines in the U.S. just vanished, leaving the 500,000 pilloried models as pretty much the only supply. Demand among diesel diehards is likely propping up prices.

The early days of the scandal provide a sense of just how strong diesel-fever can be. The market for new Volkswagen diesels ground to a stop quickly, as the company froze sales of 2015 models. But a few new vehicles still trickled off of lots in the fourth week of September, according to TrueCar, a company that matches online shoppers with nearby dealers. The average transaction price for those cars was $30,671, an astonishing 13 percent higher than it had been two weeks before the diesel scandal broke. Think about that: As headlines grew even more alarming and Volkswagen executives were prepping for a new chief executive, U.S. drivers paying far more for diesel Volkswagens than they had been at any point in the year to date.

What about the pollution? If the Hummer boom of the late-90s is any indicator, plenty of drivers simply won’t care. Pollution is what economists call an externality, a cost born by all of us—as opposed to an internality, such as buying a dated Chevrolet Cobalt with a questionable ignition switch that only affects the individual.

Where Volkswagen values go from here is far from certain. Much depends on how the company repairs both its cars and its reputation. The only thing we know for sure is that drivers remain exceedingly curious about the situation. Since Volkswagen admitting to gaming emissions tests, Kelley Blue Book has seen a 7 percent increase in web traffic from people shopping for Volkswagen diesels. There has also been a 79 percent jump in the volume of owners searching for the trade-in value on the same models.

“There’s definitely a bit of an asterisk on these cars right now,” said Rick Wainschel, vice president of customer analytics at KBB. “People are searching for any information that they can get.”

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

4th Annual Trade & International Affairs Symposium, Washington DC

CHLI held it's 4th Annual Trade & International Affairs Symposium September 30, 2015 at the Newseum in Washington D.C. Thank you to our honorable speakers: Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Ambassador Roger Noriega, Key note speaker: John Engler, Rodney E. Hood, and David Nelson.

Members of Congress: Congressman Carlos Curbelo, Congressman Henry Cuellar, Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, Congressman William Hurd, and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

Speakers: Alexa Acosta Florida International University, Joedis Avila Ford Motor Company, Eduardo Cabrera from U.S. Secret Service, Tyler Deaton from Policy and Taxation Group, Edie Fraser STEMconnector, Josie Goytisolo CODeLLA, Syddia Lee-Chee GWHCC - Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Israel Martinez from Axon Global, David Olivencia Softtek, Orlando Padilla from Padilla Networks LLC, Randall D. Popelka Herbalife, Michael Sheridan @Ford Motor Company, Andrew Shoyer from Sidley and Austin LLP, Sarah Thorne Walmart, Christopher L. Turner Dell and David Weller Google.

Moderators: Andre Arbelaez Softtek, Emilio Gonzalez Verizon, Juan Carlos Gutierrez PwC and Max Trujillo from Tonio and Burgos Associates.

Special thanks to our sponsors: Comcast NBCU Telemundo, Ford Motor Company, General Electric, Google, JPMorgan Chase, Oracle Corporation, Softtek USA, and Walmart.

Thanks to our partners: American Bar Association Section off International Law, Hispanic IT Executive Council, Fox News Channel, Florida International University, Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and The Latino Coalition.