Thursday, January 22, 2015

Stop Congress from Thwarting Net Neutrality (Public Knowledge)

 The internet is the essential communications service of the 21st century. As communication, commerce, and civic engagement increasingly depend on broadband internet access, it becomes even more critical to ensure that the internet remains open and available for all Americans to participate online.

Right now, PK's President and CEO Gene Kimmelman is testifying before the Senate on “Protecting the Internet and Consumers Through Congressional Action.” The hearing is focused on net neutrality and current Congressional initiatives intended to get in the way of the FCC

A bill introduced last week by Senator John Thune is designed to thwart the FCC's efforts--it will allow for fast lanes and discrimination on the internet, and will take away consumer protections. This draft legislation is clearly a step backward, rather than a step forward, and is likely to cause more harm than good. 

It's not too late. FCC Chairman Wheeler said that the FCC will vote to establish enforceable net neutrality rules by reclassifying internet access under Title II of the Communications Act. 

Click here to contact your representatives and tell them to vote no on Senator Thune's bill, and support the FCC and Title II reclassification now. 

Click here to watch the hearing, currently in progress. 

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